Wednesday, 29 April 2015

April Favourites

Hey Crafters!
And again I am apologising for being late again with this week's post. The week has flown by and every minute of spare time I have I am resting because of the medication I'm on at the moment is making me REALLY tired (  ◡‿◡)zzz

Anyways, I thought since April is nearing it's end the perfect thing, and most obvious post for me to do was an April's favourites! This being my first monthly favourite's on Cutely Crafting so it's quite exciting (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

So let's get on with it and go on with this week's post

Favourite1: Prismacolour Premier markers

I've been wanting to purchase these markers for over six months and to finally recieve them earlier in April was a real treat!

I got the pack of 72 off Amazon. They work lovely and the colours are great! The only issue is that they are very pocket damaging. In shops they cost about six dollars each, which when you do the math (Not like I'm expecting you to since I can't be bothered...) its adds up to quite a lot. But I'm glad I was able to finally get my hands on them and start to colour my drawings (Which I'm rather rubbish at so far, it's going to take some time to get used to, but I'll slowly get there!)
Maybe when I get better at colouring I might share them on my Instagram, Twitter or even feature them in a post, who knows (◕ฺー≦)

Favourite 2: Shawn Mendes

I discovered him a week and a half ago and become obsessed with his album Handwritten. I'm really loving his songs, Aftertaste, Life of the Party and A Little Too Much. I'm excited to check out the rest of his album! I also found out yesterday that one of my favourite YouTubers (Zoella) love's him too so that was a cool bonus  (・ω・)

Favourite 3: The Avengers: Age of Ultron

On the weekend I went Gold Class to see the Avengers with my family. I'm not sure if all countries have Gold Class or have something similar but different name for it but Gold Class is basically just a fancy shamcy version of the cinemas. It has comfy recliner chairs and really expensive food and drinks that you can get. I was sitting waiting the movie was going for a $16 sundae to share with one of my family member's and it ended up being three scoops of ice-cream with a few nuts sprinkled over it. I was unimpressed. But the movie was great! I love most marvel movies and I can't wait for the up and coming Marvel movies to come out. I  also think Captain America is my future husband ngl  (♥o♥) 

I loved the traces of humor and the effects were pretty damn awesome. But the ending make me a little annoyed. Not going to say any spoilers so you are going to have to watch it to find out what I am talking about.

Favourite 4: Asos

I've always loved the online shop asos and now that the new season is coming up I am obsessed with just looking at all the lovely clothes. At the moment I am actually planning on how I can get a load of clothes that I want from there, you see I am poor and I added up how much all the clothes cost (on a calculator of course) and the bill was something crazy like $250!!! So I'm going to have to make a strategy so I can get some of the pieces. Here's a direct link below if you want to check it out!

Favourite 5: English Muffins with almond spread and banana's

Sounds disgusting but I can assure you that it does taste great and it does make sense all together! I have this for breakfast most mornings and find myself craving it throughout the day. (My mouth is literally watering at the very thought of it ''   '''
Now I'm actually going to have some for lunch too I've made myself want them that badly (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

*Note when I went to make myself some for lunch and take a picture for this post I was vastly disappointed when I found that there was no English Muffins left 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。

Thank you again for hear me ramble on five of my favourites for this month!
I hope you all have had a spectacular April and have an even better May!
Comment below on a few of your favourite things that you've discovered or brought this April.
Keep in tune on my instagram and twitter to find out when I post my D.I.Y at the end of this week (hopefully, if I get off my lazy butt)!

 See you next time Crafters (。・ω・)ノ゙

                                                                    ~Sincerely Cutely Crafting☼

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